Asplenium onopteris

Asplenium cf. onopteris L. (Aspleniaceae). leg. Reichling 1948 - hb.Mnhn - LUX17230. © 2004 by Yves Krippel.Asplenium onopteris L.
EnglishAcute-leaved spleenwort
FrançaisDoradille des ânes
DeutschSpitziger Streifenfarn
LëtzebuergeschSpatze Sträifefar
Class: Polypodiopsida
Family: Aspleniaceae


RE – regionally extinct

Asplenium cf. onopteris


Asplenium cf. onopteris was discovered near Berdorf by A. Biermann in 1953 (Reichling 1954). There are no other sites known for Luxembourg. A recent revision however showed that it just was an acute-leaved form of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum !

Further information

Reichling, L., 1954. – Herborisations faites dans le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg en 1953. – Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 58: 76-134.

Suggested citation of this webpage

Krippel, Y., 2025. Asplenium onopteris L. In: Online atlas of the pteridophytes of Luxembourg. URL: [accessed 2025-02-14].