Dryopteris cambrensis

Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenkins subsp. cambrensis Fraser-Jenkins (Dryopteridaceae). hb.Mnhn - LUX19048 - leg. Reichling 1952, det. Fraser-Jenkins 1987 . © 2009 by Yves Krippel.Dryopteris cambrensis (Fraser-Jenk.) Beitel & W. Buck
EnglishNarrow Scaly Male-fern
FrançaisDryoptéris du Pays de Galles
DeutschWalisischer Schuppen-Wurmfarn
LëtzebuergeschWalisesche Schuppe-Wuermfar
Class: Polypodiopsida
Family: Dryopteridaceae


CR – critically endangered

Dryopteris affinis subsp. cambrensis

Further information

Syn.: Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenkins subsp. cambrensis Fraser-Jenkins

Exact information on the distribution of Dryopteriscambrensis in Luxembourg is lacking.

The Herbarium of the National Natural History Museum of Luxembourg contains some Dryopteris affinis specimens collected by L. Reichling in 1952 (LUX 19046, LUX 19047, LUX 19048, LUX 19049, LUX 19069 und LUX 19093) in the Grünewald area (Réngelbaach and Glaasburgronn) considered as Dryopteris affinis subsp. cambrensis var. insubrica, det. Fraser-Jenkins 27.8.1987.

Suggested citation of this webpage

Krippel, Y., 2024. Dryopteris cambrensis (Fraser-Jenk.) Beitel & W. Buck. In: Online atlas of the pteridophytes of Luxembourg. URL: https://pteridophytes.lu/dryopteris-affinis-subsp-cambrensis/ [accessed 2024-12-04].