Equisetum × litorale

Equisetum x litorale Kühl. ex Rupr. (Equisetaceae). Noertrange (L). © 2003 by Yves Krippel.Equisetum × litorale Kühl. ex Rupr.
EnglishShore Horsetail
FrançaisPrêle du littoral
Class: Polypodiopsida
Family: Equisetaceae


LC – least concern

Map of Equisetum x litorale


Equisetum × litorale Kühl. ex Rupr. is the hybrid of Equisetum arvense × E. fluviatile. It was first discovered for Luxembourg in 2003 [Noertrange, Säitertbaach (60,5/117,4; K8.11.23), near the river, 27.8.2003 (Y. Krippel, A. Scheer) (hb. Krippel)].
Equisetum × litorale is however easily disregarded, as the hybrid is – from the morphologic point of view – often similar to one of the parents (Jeßen 1987, Lambinon et al. 1992). The frequency in the region is considered of being rare, but is probably underestimated. E. × litorale is known from the neighbouring countries, for example in the Saarland (Parent 1997, Sauer 1993) and in the French Ardennes (Bizot 2000).

Further information

More information about the horsetails in Luxembourg can be found in: Krippel, Y., 2023. Les prêles (Equisetaceae) au Luxembourg – notes chorologiques et liste rouge. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 125 : 3-16. https://doi.org/10.59513/snl.2023.125.003

Suggested citation of this webpage

Krippel, Y., 2025. Equisetum × litorale Kühl. ex Rupr. In: Online atlas of the pteridophytes of Luxembourg. URL: https://pteridophytes.lu/equisetum-x-litorale/ [accessed 2025-02-14].