Asplenium × alternifolium Wulfen
Alternate-leaved Spleenwort
Doradille à feuilles alternes
Deutscher Streifenfarn
Däitsche Sträifefar
Class: Pteridopsida
Family: Aspleniaceae
R – extremely rare
Asplenium × alternifolium is the hybrid between Asplenium septentrionale and A. trichomanes subsp. trichomanes.
Further information
Asplenium × alternifolium can be found in regions where Asplenium septentrionale is abundant.
Suggested citation of this webpage
Krippel, Y., 2024. Asplenium × alternifolium Wulfen. In: Online atlas of the pteridophytes of Luxembourg. URL: [accessed 2024-09-09].