Asplenium × dolosum

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Asplenium × dolosum Milde
EnglishA. adiantum-nigrum × A. trichomanes ssp. tr.
Class: Polypodiopsida
Family: Aspleniaceae


DD – data deficient

Asplenium x dolosum


 Asplenium × dolosum Milde is the hybrid between A. adiantum-nigrum × A. trichomanes ssp. trichomanes.

In fact, Lawalrée (in : Lawalrée A., 1951. – Les ptéridophytes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. roy. Bot. Belg. 83: 225-240.) describes a new taxon for Luxembourg, i.e. “X Asplenium Reichlingii Lawalrée hybr. nov.” (= A. adiantum-nigrum x A. trichomanes), discovered on the 13 June 1950 by Léopold Reichling in the Luxembourgish Ardennes; hybrid later known as Asplenium × dolosum. Unfortunately, the fern collected near the Moulin de Bourscheid turned out to be just a monstrous form of Asplenium trichomanes.

Suggested citation of this webpage

Krippel, Y., 2025. Asplenium × dolosum Milde. In: Online atlas of the pteridophytes of Luxembourg. URL: [accessed 2025-02-14].